Social Taboo : Termite of society Hitakshi Buch દ્વારા પુષ્તક અને વાર્તા PDF

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Social Taboo : Termite of society

In today’s era when we talk about equality and stability with the help of technology, system, same time many things still prevailing as it is.

We don’t see much changes in society from certain angle. There are people who still want to be with old notions and beliefs. As far as it doesn’t harm anyone’s feelings is ok. But sometimes situations occurs where either or things one has to choose and at that time practical approach is needed.

Indeed many things is changing and that shows positive signs in society. Many ways women’s are equal to men. They also do the same which men do. Woman shown their shining side in all fields of life. Many ways they become true achiever. When we look back in to history lady like Rani Laxmibai shown her strength for nation. Same way Kalpna Chavla, Sunita Williams also proven themselves.

As a responsible person of society we have to be proud of them. But irony is remain still there. One side women is becoming more and more powerful in all sectors, at the same they face social taboo like woman have to be good looking and physical feet.

In today’s time every woman is becoming fashion trended. There is nothing wrong in this, but when it becomes social pressure then it’s wrong.

In our society when girl become 13 or 14 years mothers start to give tips on different topics. As far as own hygiene is concern yes every one should but that doesn’t mean to spend long time in parlour. At the age of 15/16 with the body changes if girls have hair on legs or arms, mummy or friends will not see her with respect. In some case classmates will gossip about this.

Why girls have to go for facial, body Hari Removing on regular bases. Why can’t they choose to take liberty on that. Yes from the hygiene aspect it’s good but that should not be possessive. Along with this now woman/girls are becoming conscious about their look also. There is a taboo that woman should look good and sexy. Practically speaking what the need to look sexy. It’s a wrong notion that make up makes woman more glamorous. In accent time without these all products woman were having lust and beauty. Mostly importantly woman themselves don’t want to talk about this. They feel embarrassed if hair growth is there or face is not looking good.

Recently during discussion one of the friend said to her friend that how can you openly talk about physicality and physical intimacy. Don’t you think it’s wrong ?

What’s wrong in this. Why can’t anyone talk openly about this ? Land who gave knowledge about “Kamasutra”, on that land now people are hesitant to talk about this. Yes but this the same land where day by day rap cases are increasing.

In school we need to have sex education not just to have it but with serious concerns.

I think still there is time to come out from this all and work upon our social taboo. Who can able to do this they can change life.

As a woman we need to come out from this taboo and work towards our betterment.