The time depreciation . a day of twenty four minutes Nirav Vanshavalya દ્વારા પુષ્તક અને વાર્તા PDF

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The time depreciation . a day of twenty four minutes

ફ્રેન્ડ્સ, વેલકમ ટુ ધ કોસ્મોસ.i m the biggest foolish in this univerce. and through my this fools i will like to say you some unknown facts of univerce.

all first persons agos of me and we all,we said him about a mad or fool. but time spends our mind sets comes new and we come belive that old man.
but how much time we haves hear!! ,of just only read one page or two pages,
so we are not in state of west time at all.
its all fast now becouse time is getting depriciate
before it been of 24 minuts of a day lets move to the topic.
the talks are in this topic,going to pronounce are totally out of geography cal beliefs and ofcourse the holys(traditions) of it also.

may be my talks looks more fooler than me, but i promise you that i will try my best to make convince you for it .
we all traditional about listen deprisiation of our rutin surrounds. like some solid nature (hills) or some oceans ond many more.incuding all biological lives.
some rivers and its straps too.some glashears and also.
some forests and deserts too.

The stones are in sun attraction in univarce orbitting,they all call contributing in time cercle,and ofcourse their one orbit is call there one day too

like for an example if ,we revolve on our site once,then that once is call our one all solaar stones revolves on there space sites.

principle of depritiation is univercle. it enforce to hole univarce.from dust to univercle rocks. including enimats and inenimats all.
the time is not at all count in our invisible solids,like wind smells,electricity,air,and sone more.
actualy,hear is nothing living like time in this world.
but time and its passes are depend to day and night.and this days and nights depands to solaars.

we can not niglate the possiblaty of that agos about,where may was living mor longer days and nights then ours.i mean may be of 240 hours of a day.or some less.

but one thing is sure that,in thos3 times there were more bigger sollars then present .i mean we haves a depriciated solaars then those.
we can not niglate possiblity that olso were, there was nothing like time before solaars.
after solaars or just after immemorials or after existance of human or humanlisation time or its matirials came known to brainfulls.
we myths or some ,some time talking about great human (10 feet or 15 feets or some else)(mahamanav),then how can we skip the possiblity of great solaars and all.
there also one thinking come made, that how dinasors gone distroy!and why ?
most peopels are abouting that some astroids falls distroy them.
soppose only this way is popular to make reach to the dinasors ending time but we can put this thing in to second catugari by principal depritiation sight.
and that principal must say that may be depritiation made their habitets smaller and they gone out of the surrviveing cycle.

some years past we had listen that evrest got its hight smaller of one feet or some.through wind or some rain falls.
what ever but this thing is not causing for time depritiation.