On Sadatta Dhiru Parikh's 90th birthday, there was a special event to honor him. He's the editor of a magazine called "Kavilok Dwimasik." At this event, they gave out a poetry prize in his name, called the "Dhiru Parikh Poetry Prize." They also organized a gathering of poets called a "Poet's Convention." This event was made available to people through an online platform called "Matrubharti," which helped stream and share the event with a wider audience. It was a meaningful celebration of Mr. Dhiru Parikh's life and his contributions to poetry.
સાથે લોગ ઇન ચાલુ રાખો
લોગીનથી તમે માતૃભારતીના "વાપરવાના નિયમો" અને "ગોપનીયતા નીતિ" સાથે સંમતિ દર્શાવો છો.
એપ ડાઉનલોડ કરો
એપ ડાઉનલોડ કરવા લિંક મેળવો
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