Raeesh Maniar

Raeesh Maniar માતૃભારતી ચકાસાયેલ







તમારા વિષે

Raeesh Maniar is a truly multidimensional personality of Gujarat. He is a medical doctor by qualification and a writer by passion. He is ranked among first rate poets of Gujarat. He has mastered the form of Gazals in Gujarati. He has written several books on technical aspects of Gazal, which are regarded as a must for an aspiring writer. Apart from poetry, humor fiction and general psychology are areas of his interest. He writes regular columns in Navgujarat Times and Sandesh. He has written seventeen books in all, many of which have won Gujarat sahitya academy and Gujarat sahitya parishad awards. He has translated poems Kaifi Azmi, Javed Akhtar and Gulzar, Sahir Ludhayanvi. He has a rare honor of sharing the stage with Gulzarji and Javed Akhtarji. One of his books was released by none other than Amitabh Bachchan. Recently he has shown a keen interest in writing drama and fiction. His play ‘Love you zindagi’ won first prize at Gujarat state competition in 2010. His play ‘N. V. Jalan amar chhe’ won fi

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