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Painting is my first love but by chance entered in the field of journalism. Joined Phulchhab Daily (Rajkot) as a trainee in 2003 and now serving the same Newspaper as deputy chief news editor. Though i have experience of writing news and current affairs article, the field of writing short story is totally new ground for me to play. I believe in complete entertainment, anywhere from art, movies, stories, philosophy or reality. So i will try my best to give entertaining short stories over here. your opinion will be considered as authentic review and it will help me to get corrected in future. thnx
સાથે લોગ ઇન ચાલુ રાખો
લોગીનથી તમે માતૃભારતીના "વાપરવાના નિયમો" અને "ગોપનીયતા નીતિ" સાથે સંમતિ દર્શાવો છો.
એપ ડાઉનલોડ કરો
એપ ડાઉનલોડ કરવા લિંક મેળવો
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