When Embarking onany new endeavor, two essential pillars ensure success: knowledge and experience.Knowledge refers to theoretical understanding and written ...
IN LIFE, THERE ARE TWO TYPES OF PEOPLE: those who speak from the mind and those who speak from ...
एक गाँव में १२ वी कक्षा के सरकारी स्कूल में एक बहुत ही कर्मठ ईमानदार प्रधानाचार्य अपने परिवार के ...
PEOPLE WHO DREAM big and align those dreams with positive thinking often find themselves on the path to success. ...
एक क़स्बे में एक धार्मिक धनी सेठ रहते थे, सरल स्वभाव,मृदुभाषी, समाज में नाम, ३ बेटों के पिता, सुबह ...
एक रियासत के राजा बड़े ही धार्मिक, अपनी प्रजा का ध्यान रखने वाले,बस राजा ये सोचा करते थे अपनी ...
When we leave, we call each other Tata, and children use this word with great pleasure. When I was ...
WHENEVER WE TALK about success, the first things that come to our mind are positive thoughts and dreams. When ...
अगर सफलता चाहते हैं तो इन १२ स…. पर काम कर लेना. दोस्तों नमस्कार, जब भी हम सफलता की ...
FRIENDS, THOSE who face difficulties and remain steadfast in their goals write their names in history.Whether they fail 999 ...